The KICT has formed research clusters that reflect its multidisciplinary structure. Each research cluster carries out important, integrative research activities, often involving multiple departments. These clusters are each a matrix of expert activity strategically coordinated to respond to changes affecting the world today and advance R&D with real merit and global applicability through government projects and KICT-branded projects aimed at social issue management and future response. The KICT is creating an open research platform that will enable experts from around the world to join its research clusters via virtual reality technology.
- Integrated Road Management Research Cluster
- Modular Construction Research Cluster
- Smart Cities Research Cluster
- Hydrogen-Infrastructure Research Cluster
- BIM Research Cluster
- Urban Disaster Research Cluster
- Yeoncheon SOC Demonstration Research Cluster
- air quality of living environment cluster
- International Partnerships Cluster
Integrated Road Management Research Cluster
Integrated Road Management Research Cluster Research
conducts research to incorporate smart technologies and digital technologies and attain innovation in road infrastructure management to make our roads as safe and convenient as possible.
- Head of cluster: Kim Seung-hyun, Department of Geotechnical Engineering Research
- Head of cluster: Kim Seung-hyun, Department of Geotechnical Engineering Research
- Safety and convenience of the road infrastructure requires systematic and technology-enhanced road support management by authoritative bodies
- Integration of activities in the areas of cooperation with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, road infrastructure support at local governance levels, and future technology development
Contribution to the KICT and Government Policies
- Connection with roles and responsibilities of the KICT: Support of the KICT in providing Korea with advanced road and transportation technology to manage national and social issues and achieve balanced development across the Korean Peninsula
- Deep connectivity with the government's road facilities and road maintenance policy
- Resolving social issues related to road management and securing status as an organization strengthening the roles of the KICT
Major Areas of Research
Highway and Transportation
- Road Problem Reporting System (RPRS)
- Remove Snow Management System (RSMS)
- Pavement Management System (PMS)
- Traffic Management System (TMS)
- Road Statistics and Maintenance System (RSIS)
Geotechnical Engineering
- Cut Slope Management System, CSMS
- Tunnel Integrated Management System, TIMS
Structural Engineering
- Bridge Management System, BMS
Future and Smart Construction
- Road Occuoation&Access System, ROAS
- Highway Management System, HMS
- Road Sign Management Center, RSMC
- Korea Road Register Information System, KRRIS
Major Areas of Expertise
- Management of roads and social overhead capital as well as expertise in disasters
- Data and information management
- Geographic information systems and systems management