Research Division

The KICT has formed research clusters that reflect its multidisciplinary structure. Each research cluster carries out important, integrative research activities, often involving multiple departments. These clusters are each a matrix of expert activity strategically coordinated to respond to changes affecting the world today and advance R&D with real merit and global applicability through government projects and KICT-branded projects aimed at social issue management and future response. The KICT is creating an open research platform that will enable experts from around the world to join its research clusters via virtual reality technology.
BIM Research Cluster
BIM Research Cluster Research
researches and develops building information modeling technology and policies for the digital transformation of the construction industry.

- Head of cluster: Shin Hyu-soung, Department of Future & Smart Construction Research
  • Development of world-class smart construction technology across the sophistication spectrum, from foundational to advanced to integrated
  • Function as Korea’s national control tower by supporting and revitalizing smart construction policy and system
Contribution to the KICT and Government Policies
  • Smart construction R&D, as provided for in the Construction Technology Promotion Act and its Enforcement Decree
    * Ref. 1: Article 10-2 of the Construction Technology Promotion Act → In relation to smart construction policy
    * Ref. 2: Article 19 of the Construction Technology Promotion Act → In relation to construction information policy
    * Ref. 3: Article 27-2 of the Enforcement Decree of the Construction Technology Promotion Act → In relation to the establishment of national BIM center
    * Ref. 4: Roles and responsibilities of KICT researchers → In relation to smart construction
Major Areas of Research

"Research and development of smart construction technology and policy in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

[BIM research, policy and system]
  • Foundational, advanced, and integrated R&D in BIM
  • Establishment of national BIM promotion strategies and development of policies and system
  • Creation of nationally recognized systems of BIM related standardization and certification
[Intellectualization, standardization, and policymaking in construction information]
  • AI and big data construction information and digital construction technology
  • National standards for construction information sharing; cooperative data governance
  • Digital data governance for the future construction industry
[Smart construction policy and system]
  • Smart construction ecosystem governance
  • Development, supply, and promotion of smart construction technology
  • Field application and testing of smart construction technology
[VR, AR, 3D Printing]
  • VR, AR, 3D printing, IoT, and drones in creating construction sub-industries
  • Construction automation for increased productivity and next-generation construction
Major Areas of Expertise
  • BIM technology research and policy
  • Continuous acquisition and lifecycle support (CALS) in construction information
  • Construction automation
  • Construction management and construction processes
  • VR and AR
  • 3D printing, etc.